Making Waves: A Roundtable Seminar at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Women in Coastal Geoscience and Engineering (WICGE) and the Challenger Society for Marine Sciences recently hosted a roundtable seminar at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton. The Challenger Society is one of the oldest societies dedicated to the promotion and support of the marine sciences in the UK and Ireland; the NOC is an internationally leading […]


Job Description We are delighted to welcome an enthusiastic Assistant/Associate Professor who is willing to take the lead in research and education on Emerging Technologies for Nature-Based Solutions in Coastal Waters. Modern-day coastal engineering and management increasingly rely on Nature-Based Solutions (such as the Sand Engine) as an enabler for sustainable coastal development. Successful design […]

Dr Kerrylee Rogers on her Eureka-prize winning research on coastal wetlands & blue carbon

We hear from Dr Kerrylee Rogers, Associate Professor in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Wollongong in NSW, Australia. Find out more about Kerrylee here and follow her on Twitter @KerryleeRogers_ Why do I study coastal wetlands? Coastal wetlands (mangrove, saltmarsh, seagrasses and tidal forests) have been recognised as the most […]


Hear from Associate Professor Ana Vila Concejo (Geocoastal Research Group, University of Sydney) about her recent research trips for research and including talking about WICGE at the USGS. Reposted from: Last month I spent three weeks working in the USA, I visited Florida and California. It was a very rewarding and inspiring research trip. Thank […]

Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in Biogeomorphology at Utrecht

The Department of Physical Geography at Utrecht University has a strong profile in research on land surface processes, natural hazards, large-scale hydrology, coast and river processes and morphology, spatio-dynamic modelling, earth observation and image processing. Our Coastal and River group focuses on the natural and human-induced dynamics of fluvial and coastal landscapes. The work domain […]

A neighbourly remote sensing workshop on the Great Barrier Reef

WICGE committee member Dr Sarah Hamylton shares her experience on sharing international perspectives and learning from each other. Australia is a world leader in coral reef environmental stewardship. As coral reef scientists based in Australia, we have a responsibility to share both insights and technical skills that could help with reef management with our regional neighbours. […]

Engaging people in the environment and empowering communities: Naomi Edwards

You might have noticed that Women in Coastal has a shiny new identify! Our logo, colours, branding materials and new website design are created by the talented Naomi Edwards, who is now our Design Contributor. Naomi also works in community engagement and is studying for her PhD at Griffith University on the Gold Coast of […]

We should all make our science count

Dr Sarah Hamylton, committee member of WICGE, has recently published a column in Nature.  Contratulations Sarah! “Emotional conflicts around climate change have prompted me to revisit the reasons I became an environmental scientist. I am now using forms of expression that resonate with my personal values and add scientific authority to the argument for resisting […]

Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association meeting to be held inPerth, Western Australia, 3-6 September, 2018.

Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract for the Coastal response to a changing climate session at the Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association meeting to be held inPerth, Western Australia, 3-6 September, 2018. We invite abstracts covering improved understanding of coastal morphodynamics, observed coastal response to climate changes/events, as well as efforts to predict the likely […]

Shari Gallop on gender bias and setting up WICGE, published in Nature

Today WICGE is featured in Nature, in a column authored by WICGE committee member Dr. Shari Gallop. This column focuses on Shari’s experiences of gender bias in science, and her role in founding Women in Coastal Geoscience and Engineering, together with the other committee members. Read the article here.      

Can we have it all? – by Peta Leahy

Being asked recently to contribute to WICGE was very humbling, but on what to blog about became very a very daunting task. A few ideas were thrown at me – my journey through the Australian Coastal Society of which I am now the first female Chairperson, my role as a senior researcher at the Griffith […]

New open access resource for teaching beach morphodynamics

A new teaching resource is available for teaching beach morphodynamics to university-level students: Gallop, S.L., Harley, M.D., Brander, R.W., Simmons, J., Splinter, K.D., Turner, I.L. 2017. Assessing cross-shore and alongshore variation in beach morphology due to wave climate: Storms to decades. Oceanography 30(3), 120–125. This open-access paper has just been published in Oceanography and consists […]