Women In Coastal Geoscience and Engineering Membership

‘Who’ are WICGE? The Women in Coastal Geoscience and Engineering network aims at being an instrumental tool to achieve gender equality in coastal geosciences and engineering. One of the purposes of WICGE is to facilitate links across age groups and career levels, in academia, government and industry. The network was formed in 2016 and includes […]

Reflecting on five years of WICGE

The Women in Coastal Geosciences and Engineering Network was launched during the 14th International Coastal Symposium (ICS), held in Sydney, Australia from 6–11 March 2016. As we reach the end of our fifth year, it is a timely opportunity to reflect on some of the network’s activities. Here are a few of those initiatives and […]

Unlearning Racism in Geosciences with WICGE

There has been no progress on increasing diversity in geoscience in the last forty years1. Structural racism, sexism, and hostile climates prevent individuals from making geoscience a just and equitable place for all geoscientists2. As a community, we need to address our biases and actively work to be anti-racist to develop more inclusive environments3,4. This […]

Women in Coastal under Covid-19 Series. Everything has an end.

By Ana Vila-Concejo Everything has an end. These words that my friend Marina told me when I had my first child, have taken a whole new meaning in 2020. I am a Marine Scientist doing research in coastal geoscience and engineering, I have an ongoing position at The University of Sydney and I am one […]

Work-life balance of academics during lockdown

I will start this blog by stating the obvious, the outbreak of Covid-19 prompted fast and drastic changes to our lives and work-life balance, particularly during lockdown. The increased inequalities it created are much less obvious, and not necessarily easy to quantify and address. In the last few months we have experienced first-hand and/or read […]

Making Waves: A Roundtable Seminar at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Women in Coastal Geoscience and Engineering (WICGE) and the Challenger Society for Marine Sciences recently hosted a roundtable seminar at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton. The Challenger Society is one of the oldest societies dedicated to the promotion and support of the marine sciences in the UK and Ireland; the NOC is an internationally leading […]


Job Description We are delighted to welcome an enthusiastic Assistant/Associate Professor who is willing to take the lead in research and education on Emerging Technologies for Nature-Based Solutions in Coastal Waters. Modern-day coastal engineering and management increasingly rely on Nature-Based Solutions (such as the Sand Engine) as an enabler for sustainable coastal development. Successful design […]

Dr Kerrylee Rogers on her Eureka-prize winning research on coastal wetlands & blue carbon

We hear from Dr Kerrylee Rogers, Associate Professor in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Wollongong in NSW, Australia. Find out more about Kerrylee here and follow her on Twitter @KerryleeRogers_ Why do I study coastal wetlands? Coastal wetlands (mangrove, saltmarsh, seagrasses and tidal forests) have been recognised as the most […]


Hear from Associate Professor Ana Vila Concejo (Geocoastal Research Group, University of Sydney) about her recent research trips for research and including talking about WICGE at the USGS. Reposted from: https://grgusyd.org/2019/07/15/coastal-sediments-uc-davis-bodega-bay-marine-lab-and-usgs-santa-cruz/ Last month I spent three weeks working in the USA, I visited Florida and California. It was a very rewarding and inspiring research trip. Thank […]

Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in Biogeomorphology at Utrecht

The Department of Physical Geography at Utrecht University has a strong profile in research on land surface processes, natural hazards, large-scale hydrology, coast and river processes and morphology, spatio-dynamic modelling, earth observation and image processing. Our Coastal and River group focuses on the natural and human-induced dynamics of fluvial and coastal landscapes. The work domain […]