Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association meeting to be held inPerth, Western Australia, 3-6 September, 2018.


Please consider submitting an abstract for the Coastal response to a changing climate session at the Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association meeting to be held inPerth, Western Australia, 3-6 September, 2018. We invite abstracts covering improved understanding of coastal morphodynamics, observed coastal response to climate changes/events, as well as efforts to predict the likely evolution of the coastline to changes in any aspect of the climate, including waves, sea levels, sediment delivery, and coastal-estuary coupling. The abstract submission deadline is 9 March 2018, complete session details and the abstract submission portal are available here: Hope to see you there.


On behalf of all organisers:


Jeff Hansen – The University of Western Australia

Ian Goodwin – Macquarie University

Kristen Splinter – The University of New South Wales

Ryan Lowe – The University of Western Australia

Mick O’Leary – Curtin University


Posted on: 14/11/2017, by :