Introducing new journal Anthropocene Coasts

A Look to the Future

 A multidisciplinary international journal, Anthropocene Coasts brings together diverse fields of study to tackle complex issues related to coastal regions in the Anthropocene. Anthropocene Coasts publishes research on some of the most complex questions facing human-influenced coastal environments. A forum to discuss anthropogenic change, specifically in the context of coastal and estuarine regions, the journal brings together experts from diverse fields to connect on topics that will dramatically affect the future of our coasts.

Anthropocene Coasts aims to become the premier destination to read the newest research on these topics, as well as a rigorously reviewed forum for publishing the latest research on anthropogenic effects on coastal regions. The work published in Anthropocene Coasts will enable researchers across the world to debate these issues and will help to inform and guide those responsible for policy and management actions on the coast. This exchange will aim to cover theoretical foundations, tools, methods, and case studies. To meet the needs of the diverse research community, the coverage will be broad and Anthropocene Coasts will promote robust, science-based solutions that can inform policy, risk management, infrastructure design, conservation and development; and build pathways for new research.


Anthropocene Coasts publishes multidisciplinary research that aims to understand and predict the effects of human activities, including climate change, on estuarine and coastal regions. Anthropocene Coasts publishes primary research articles, research reviews, topical communications, and letters.

The Anthropocene is the period during which human activities have had a marked environmental impact on the Earth, and Coasts embraces all aspects of the land–sea interface. Anthropocene Coasts therefore seeks to identify and document the influence of human activities on contemporary coastal processes (physical, biological and chemical processes across the land–sea interface) and the implications for other aspects of these systems including social, economic, and legal considerations.

Improved understanding of changes in the structure and function of systems and the cumulative impact of a succession of imposed changes is critical if adaptation to change is to be appropriate and timely. Anthropogenic effects on coastal regions can be difficult to define and there are often many differing perspectives on what constitutes appropriate solutions. Research that explores potential solutions to these complex issues is encouraged and can include topics such as:
  • Changes in coastal hazard patterns and the implications for safety;
  • The role of coastal ecosystem services and how these may change;
  • Implications of population growth and urban expansion on the coast;
  • Adaptation in response to change and methods to enhance coastal sustainability;
  • Interactions with society (including aspects such as economics, policy/legislation and regulation, social mobility, technology, engineering and risk management);
  • Observations, modelling and theoretical advances to better detect and understand change.
Submissions that do not have a clear human or multidisciplinary component are more suited to one of the existing discipline-based journals and are unlikely to be considered for publication.

Editorial board

WICGE founding member Dr. Shari Gallop is one of the Editorial Board members.

Posted on: 20/03/2017, by :