Expression of interest to host Marie Curie Individual Fellows
The Institute of Environment and Sustainability of the Joint European Research Center is interested to host qualified and dynamic researchers who would like to apply for a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship in the following topics:
– Numerical modeling of waves, storm surge and inundation at large scales (minimum regional, preferably continental/global), for short, medium, or long term forecasting
– Coastal impact assessment methodologies
– Evaluation of adaptation options in view of climate change
Apart from the beneficial conditions of the MC program (see
– official instrument the European Commission with DG status (
– located in Ispra, Italy at a beautiful location, inside a campus with impressive facilities
– a unique international environment with >2000 employees, covering almost all scientific areas
– opportunity to do research focused on the main EU priorities and in direct connection with Brussels
Ideal candidates should have the following characteristics:
– Researchers with a PhD on areas like coastal/ocean modeling, coastal impact assessment, climate change impacts, coastal adaptation
– An impressive career record (given that MC competitions are very competitive, at least 5 and preferably >10 journal publications are required)
Interested colleagues should send an email in the address below with (1) their CV and (2) a short cover letter with their experience and current interests to:
Dr, MEng, MSc
Joint European Research Center
Institute of Environment and Sustainability
Via Enrico Fermi 2749
I-21027-Ispra, Italy