Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference – Americas 2016

YCSEC-A 2016 was held at Queen’s University on the shore on Lake Ontario in Kingston, Canada! With over 50 participants that included 42 talks from graduate students and early career researchers, 3 industry talks and 5 keynote addresses, people from North and South America met to discuss coastal engineering and science. This included participants with a 50% gender balance and keynote talks from two women in leading research roles: Dr. Diane Foster from the University of New Hampshire and Dr. Meg Palmsten from the US Naval Research Laboratory.  With high quality technical talks, demonstrations in the Queen’s Coastal Lab, and social events, it was a great experience where lasting friendships and future collaborations were made. Thanks to our sponsors: ACSE Coasts, Oceans, Ports & Rivers Institute, NortekUSA, RBR Limited, Baird, VTI, Queen’s University Civil Engineering and Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, and the University of Delaware College of Engineering for making this event possible.

Read more here!

Contributor: Asst. Prof. Ryan Mulligan, Queen’s University, Canada


Posted on: 26/09/2016, by :