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Eleanor Bruce

Dr Eleanor Bruce


Position: Lecturer Geosciences

Department: School of Geosciences

University/Institute/Company: University of Sydney


As a physical geographer with expertise in coastal modelling and GIS my research interests focus on the geographical dimensions of coupled human‐environment systems and how spatial models can be used to examine drivers of change with particular emphasis on coastal environments. This has involved investigating biophysical coastal process response to climate variability, landscape change detection and the role of participatory mapping, remote sensing and
Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) in monitoring progress towards environmental sustainability. Currently, I am investigating drivers of biogeomorphological processes that sustain inter‐tidal coastal habitats of key importance for environmental resource dependent communities in the South Pacific. In modelling and monitoring biophysical coastal system response to change, this work contributes to an inter‐disciplinary research agenda focused on
understanding the environment‐water‐food‐energy nexus.

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